Kids Martial Arts and Adult Self Defense

Class Descriptions

Our Martial Arts program will build on the skills that focuses on the self-defense and Kung Fu. The curriculum includes conflict resolution and non-lethal restraint. Skills include blocks, kicks, punches, falls and throws. All students receive a study sheet that will assist parents in reviewing the material. The class also works on flexibility, running, endurance, strength, concentration and coordination. Students will perform exercises such as jogging, jumping jacks, lunges, and push ups. All students will begin with a warmup; if student is tardy, they will still have a quick warmup to prepare their body for class activity. Participants are able to sign up for more than one class for additional practice and develop stronger technique.

*In order to sign up for Kids Martial Arts Level 2, students will need to get approval and qualification through Martial Arts Instructors.

*The Adult/Women's Self Defense are workshop styled classes that allows students who are interested to sign up for indiviudal classes. Offered on select days in each session.

Uniform Information

Please bring a water bottle for class breaks. Students that do not have a uniform should wear loose fitting clothes and athletic shoes. It is preferred but not necessary to wear a uniform to the Level 1/Adult classes, but if it is worn it must be worn correctly. Uniforms are required for Kids Level 2. Students will receive information on purchasing a uniform if interested upon their first day of class. If purchasing a uniform, it should be a black cotton blend Kung Fu uniform with frog tie buttons. Students that have a rank/belt/sash must demonstrate that they have the knowledge required to wear it. Shoes should be worn because the class will practice on and off of the mat. Jewelry, watches, and shorts are not allowed. Folder with class materials will be provided for each student, needed for all classes.

Adult Tai Chi

Class Description

Tai Chi involves a series of movements performed in a slow, focused manner and accompanied by deep breathing. The class is a noncompetitive, self-paced system of gentle physical exercise and stretching. Each posture flows into the next without pause, ensuring that your body is in constant motion.

Uniform Information

No uniform (or prior experience) is needed for the Adult Tai Chi classes. Wear clothes you feel comfortable to mvoe around in and can sweat it with sneakers/gym shoes. It is optional to bring a water bottle if needed.